Quantum Physics Conversation - An ElijahForce Interview by Charity Kayembe

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I was thrilled to be invited back to ElijahForce for another deep dive into the sacred supernatural with Julie Smith.

In our previous shows we talked angels – and even met some! Now we shifted gears to explore a topic she’d never done an interview on before. This time Julie wanted to discuss quantum physics and how the principles in this field correlate with our walk in the spirit. Of course I was happy to oblige!

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The Angel in Shanghai by Charity Kayembe

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Over the past two years I’ve had the privilege of doing many training sessions via Zoom. This has allowed us to minister in places we could not have traveled to otherwise. Next week I’ll be sharing online with a School of Ministry in Germany, and I have taught on the sacred supernatural to Burmese groups in Myanmar, as well as Mandarin-speaking groups in China.

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Jesus Dancing - A Shared Vision by Charity Kayembe

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We often speak of God “giving us a vision,” and we mean that He supernaturally provides us with a picture of heaven or glimpse into the spiritual realm. Certainly, He can and does do this. However, I wonder if this is His ideal and original intention. That is, does Father always want us to just wait around for Him to sovereignly “open our eyes” to the sacred dimension, or does He appreciate it when we take the initiative to open our spiritual eyes and proactively look into His supernatural world?

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Miracles Occur When COMPLETELY Aligned with Rhema and Vision from God

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How miracles occur – Faith which casts mountains into the sea and brings forth a child at 100 years of age is conceived by a rhema and vision from God, which when incubated through pondering, speaking and acting, births a miracle in the fullness of time.

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I Saw a Tidal Wave of the Spirit Wash Across America

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During the worship time on March, 21, 2021, in the Sunday morning service, the Lord gave me a vision of a HUGE tidal wave of the Holy Spirit washing across the United States from coast to coast. It was moving fast. It was wide and deep and covered all 50 states. It quickly washed away all wickedness and evil and left the nation pure and holy. It was like the nation was born again.

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Jesus Does a Miracle on the Highway

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Ruth Wilson writes: I have a testimony I would like to share with you.  I have learned so much from your book Unleashing Healing Power through Spirit-Born Emotions.  Here is another amazing experience that happened.

We live near a huge bridge that is critical for every day getting to and from work, beach, etc.  Last fall they began construction and closed down one of the lanes on the busiest weekend.  It was a Friday evening and took over 7 hours to go what normally takes 1.5 hours (with traffic).  

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My Sister May Have Coronavirus – An Email of Support

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I received an email in the last 24 hours that my sister has been terribly sick for many days, with a fever of 102. Her doctor has had her tested for the coronavirus, but it will be ten days before the results come back so we are not 100% sure of the diagnosis. Either way, right now she is separated from her family, afraid and in pain.

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Suicide Averted Through a Vision, Compassion and Intercessory Prayer

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Let me share an amazing email I received this last week. It relates to a truth discussed in our most recent book. I have been given permission to post this wonderful testimony with the names omitted.

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A Witch Doctor Gives His Life To Jesus After Demons Are Bound

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This story is in the form of an email dialogue I had with Pastor Erick from Uganda.

Pastor Erick – Mark, I need your advice. Two months ago, 213 students gave their lives to Jesus during school outreaches where I share daily messages about how to hear God’s voice. Part of this training is having them share what God has spoken to them. Two months ago, when 213 students joined the fellowship and gave their lives to Jesus, a certain girl aged 19 years also gave her life to Jesus. When she told me her father is a witchdoctor, I gave her a copy of Your Extraordinary Life and a Bible.

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